With everyone across the globe feeling the pinch of the credit crunch people everywhere are finding more and more ways in which money can be saved. It has recently come to light that some drivers are trying to save on their car insurance by lying about previous motor related convictions, this is not recommended!
When applying for car insurance, particularly car insurance online, many drivers are choosing to exclude convictions that they picked up previously for speeding, dangerous driving and other motor related offences. Anyone who is attempting or considering this when applying for car insurance be warned, insurance providers are clamping down on this type of behaviour and are more likely than ever to ask for access to driving history records of drivers. So if a driver gets caught out after lying on their car insurance forms they can face huge embarrassment and even a criminal conviction.
There are many ways in which money can be saved, fraudulent car insurance applications is not one of them!
Nice Post !!Insuring a car and your motorcycle can be the equivalent price as insuring jus your car (or motorcycle)? If not the same price, insuring a car in addition to your motorcycle usually doesn’t cost much more. Also, same goes for home or renters insurance, even liability insurance – if you have other things / property to insure, check with your insurer, or while obtaining your online insurance quote, make sure you can get the multiple discount