Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Delayed MOT renewals leads to uninsured driving

Recent research by comparison website uSwitch has revealed that an astonishing number of motorists are becoming increasing reluctant to renew their MOT’s by the due date. This may be a reaction to the economic downturn that has left many drivers with less disposable income. However, unfortunately for drivers this is one fee that cannot be avoided as it is required by law.

Also many drivers that delay renewing their MOT may not be aware that as soon as an MOT has expired cars insurance is automatically rendered invalid. Thus meaning that any person driving without an up to date MOT is also driving uninsured and therefore breaking the law. Many of the drivers researched stated forgetfulness as the main reason for failure to renew their MOT whilst others claimed a change in vehicle or finance alterations were the reason behind failing to get their MOT renewed on time.

Whatever the excuse given is, it is essential that an MOT is renewed on time as the implications for being caught without one are severe. A fine for having no MOT of £1000 can be handed out. Also as mentioned no MOT means no car insurance meaning being involved in an accident could have huge implications with many drivers involved in crashes seeing premium increases of up to 43%!

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