As drivers up and down the UK become more and more strapped for cash the cost of driving becomes more and more expensive. This means many drivers are now looking at ways to stay on the road but save money which unfortunately results in some cutting corners with insurance, tax, MOT's and repairs.
It is believed that around 1 million drivers are now driving on the roads without insurance as more and more drivers fail to renew their insurance policies in a bid to cut back the cost of driving. This move has inevitably been picked up by insurers who now take this into consideration when calculating insurance premiums. As always it is the honest drivers who will end up paying through the nose for these law breaking drivers with the average insurance policy set to increase by around £30 as a result! The cost of car insurance is also being hiked up by an ever increasing number of personal injury claims and increasing car repair costs. In particular it is young drivers who will feel the biggest impact of these insurance cost increases as they are often seen as the most vulnerable to accidents due to their inexperience on the road, although young drivers are in fact often more alert on the road.